Currently Loving
You Guys! As a single mom, I'm all about tips, tricks and time-saving hacks that save my sanity...
What I’m Currently Loving!
My Vitamix - Fast ways to get healthy eats in your babe!
The Vitamix in the kitchen is a must-have for me.
When Beckett was going through his, I'm not going to eat phase, I decided to whip up some nutritious treats in this blender so that I knew he was getting the nutrition he needed and we could move on with our day...
I can't say enough good things about how effective the Vitamix is at blending all your ingredients, super-fast. Even Beckett was surprised how quickly I threw something together that he liked to eat!
Trust me, 2 year old’s can be picky and it’s so nice to have any easy fix for that! 😜
* I included Beckett’s favorite smoothie recipe under snack time and meals
My Instant Pot Saves The Day!
Instant Pot
My Instant Pot has not only been a timesaver but more like a lifesaver.
Time is of the essence… and being able to make healthy, delicious meals is essential for single parenting survival.
Usually after a good jog in the BOB Stroller - I am ready to come home and make a quick turn for dinnertime as I’m sure we are all fairly pressed for time around this time of day.
We want to reconnect as a family, enjoy some play and downtime as well as remain in our structured evening routine for a quality, peaceful night’s sleep.
As long as I've prepped all my ingredients ahead of time, I can have a complete meal within 20 min of when we walk through the door with my Instant Pot.
That's enough time for Beckett to play in the living room, make a little mess 😜 & then voila - dinner is on the table so that we can enjoy the rest of our night!
This diaper pail has saved me from smelly, dirty diapers…
THE PERFECT diaper pail
In Beckett’s room, I have talked about setting the stage and trying to create the perfect sanctuary...
It has been an exploration - with up's and down's in Beckett's sleep patterns.
Part of what has made this easier are quick diaper changes with this diaper pail and lavender refill bags.
The last thing I want to be dealing with at night (or really any time of day)… are smelly, dirty diapers.
Now that I will be potty training Beckett in just a few more months… I have finally found the perfect diaper pail and this is it!
I hope to save you time and money by sharing what I’ve experienced. Making your lives a bit easier.
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Can’t live without my amazing Tangerine Lemongrass dishwasher pods. They are AMAZING!
And of course, Mrs. Meyers multi-purpose and my trusty Dyson.
Now, on to cleaning products. Around the house, I really like to do most, if not all, of my own cleaning. I strongly believe in Chi Energy, Feng Shui principle's that essentially, the more we put into life, the more we get out. This has been true for me anyway!
When I reach for a cleaning product, I want to know two things. Is it plant based and is it effective? Some of my cleaning product 'must have's' are something I found when Beckett was a newborn. I ultimately decided not to use harsh cleaning agents. I committed to using plant based products considering that these products end up in our house, on our clothes, dishes - essentially everything that we touch, touches us! Over the last few years, I have loved these natural and super effective dishwashing pods, I'm a citrus fan and the Tangerine Lemongrass had me at ‘Hello.’
Mrs. Meyers multi-surface cleaner and dish soap, which I use throughout the house and spruces up any space that needs a good lift of clean and aroma of oh so fresh.
I have also truly enjoyed my trusty Dyson Stick Vacuum that attaches to the wall for quick pick-up's in the kitchen, living room and my car. 😁 With all its detachable parts and hand held accessories you can’t go wrong with this investment.
Perrier Lime day everyday
Hello Perrier Lime!
Somehow I got addicted to Perrier Lime! 😄 Years ago, my parents invited me on their business trip to France. I had never been to Europe before and it was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. So, when in Rome as they say, I started drinking bubbly water with lime. It’s a thing and it’s been a thing across the pond for a very long time or at least since 1998 that I know of. ha!
I started drinking bubbly more & more when I returned from that trip. It seems to be more popular than ever now with brands like La Croix and others that feature bubbles for bubbly water drinkers like me! Perrier lime has no sodium so I don’t feel badly about consuming my bubbles and staying hydrated. Here’s to bubbly water, calories saved & guilt-free hydration all day long. Cheers!!!
Listening to Audibles on my Beats Solo Headphones
I can’t tell you how pivotal it is has been for me to listen to Audibles at night on my beats headphones and know that Beckett is sleeping peacefully in his room without any interruption from the TV or other distractions in the house. These headphones have saved my sanity over the last several months and I must admit, my only regret is not getting them sooner! So much to listen to and watch - I’m really surprised I didn’t hop on this bandwagon sooner. Beckett also likes to put the headphones on and listen to music with a great big smile… he’s fascinated. I swear he is musically inclined and will make a great musician or DJ one day… ha!
We'll be talking about new products each week, as I discover new fave’s and progress through each phase of this fun adventure, “Single Motherhood!”